Thursday, May 3, 2012

Surfboard painting, logos, color resin tinting.

Considerable trial and trial over and over is what it takes to figure out good ways on coloring or painting your surfboards with good methods comes good return.

There are two different boards below one is a 6' fish and the other is a 10' paddle board.
both branding the 308 degree logo for the pacific north west surf areas. Both designs are inspired by the PNW along with the art. The greens and blues, along with the big gray rails of the paddle board, with a nice green smeeer down the middle. The quad fin fish has a northwest swell hand drawing, eating up the state of washington 308 degree logo

pin line

after gloss

after gloss

some of the first sun of the year.

color tinted resin poured on

taped off and gelling up

308 deg logo with the gloomy gray north west  rails  coloring starting.

rails colored in gloom gray.

fins in

glossed the bottom.


I have jumped away from only building wood surfboards, I have had the chance to work with foam, the results were great.
Using pigments and old school shaping style. Did not even use the power planer until i was able to be satisfied with my boards without using one. The one thing i do not like about the foam is the wast of foam dust. While wood saw dust can be reused into couple other uses other than garbage. Using the foam dust after being on the floor and mixed with dirt and other debris. I Do not have much use for the foam dust at this point. On the second  to last pic you can see how much foam dust is in the shop.

Below are a couple US blanks 10' paddle board blanks, along with couple pictures of shaping some lines in the blank. This is my Tanker 308 stand up paddle (s.u.p.) great for the pacific north west and Puget Sound Paddle boarding. Finished pictures with color tinted resin styling, will be on the next post.