Friday, September 23, 2011

Small Waves, Salt Creek, W.A.

south side bluff salt creek W.A
(ff-01) Fat Fish at salt creek
South side bluff salt creek.
small swells about 1.5'

One of the first things I noticed, was the boards ability to catch the waves early.
I hope the pics do the waves justice on how small the swell was.
  Would have been a good day for a paddle board, or a longer single fin longboard. Was still able to glide out on a couple small waves.
I have also decided that the board should be a single fin setup, the thruster fin setup acts as if it is complicating the surfboard. And it is possible the the extra fins are creating to much drag,  turbulence under the surfboard.
Removing the extra fins will hopefully help produce a little extra smoothness in the board on turns and in the flat and through the white wash.
The idea of shaving down the underside of the rails to make a more 50/50 layout on the rails has also crossed my mind. Taking the rails down a bit would hopefully hold the board in the wave better. With the harder rails that are currently on the board, give great planning ability but not much hold in the wave.
The paddling ability of the surfboard is so nice you glide right on top the water with little effort.  More reason to keep making some more surfboards.
Enjoying the ability to take the board back to the shop for changes and new custom features.
This last ride has created a huge stoke inside me.
I would like to make a paddle board for the salt creek, area. Fun place to go out and explore, also catch a couple waves. Less than one hr outside P.A.
More surfboards and adventures to come.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Out to test the board.

I am back after heading out of town to test the Big Fish Surfboard.(Designed and built) by Bridger and Ross.The board has a little to much displacement for a guy of my size 5'9" 150lb.
   Once again, very first board, finished proper and, sent to the water to ride waves!

I was reading in a book one time. Of how it was the way of a tribe or tribes that surfed to build their first board for surfing,as a young man..

The drive to neaha bay
At one point a flagger was joking around
spinning the sign.
And stepped out
as if to stop
me,at the last sec and smiled.
waving me by..
Wanted to mention a brief indication of how I felt, heading for the ocean A 3hr. where I'm located in Wa. Filled with anticipation.Reading that the swell and wave reports have been small slow and weak, but far apart. I was not expecting much in incredible waves. I was expecting a nice peaceful getaway with me and my girlfriend.So not to only go surfing, but to spend time away from working, and just the daily stuff.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Big Fish surfboard trial.aka...(Ff-01)

Blank cut out fins.
Two held in the clamp.
Slightly molded fins
Side Thruster Fins glassed in place.With a wood joint to the bottom deck.
Recent update.
After breaking the fins off of a finished board. (aka The Big Fish F-01) a double fin setup I cant seem to find pics of.
I had to cut out new fins. Fit them to the board, measure in my fin lines, wood joint and glass them in. My first time riding a surfboard home built. Well really riding anything in the water that was all built by my own hands.Just that in its self feels great. Now to take the board out for a second test spin.
As the first one only lasted a 30 min. period or so. Didn't give me to high of  hopes for the board.
 She felt really loose and felt like she wanted to travel all over the place,with just two small fins. They also broke off easy,reason for the second test run. Going to head up to LaPush, Wa. and Neah Bay,  Wa. for some mushy surf, as the reports haven't showed much of anything good.
fins attached to the board.
For the second trial run I will go with the modern 3 fin setup.But as you can see i didn't follow modern design. I still wanted the board to have a nice fast ability, to turn and jump around.Still feel alive and not just cruse down the line.Why would i put such a big fin on.??

I have a idea on how the surfboards react to the water.

I will report back shortly after returning from the nw pacific ocean...!!!